When you have shoulder pain you will commonly react by trying to protect your shoulder from further damage. You might stop using your shoulder as much as you used to as you don’t want to make the injury worse. This can limit your independence, or cause you to miss out on activities you either love or need to do.
The shoulder is by far the most mobile joint in the body. This mobility is what allows us to function as well as we do as upright animals. In order for us to do the activities that we need to do, we often need a large range of motion in the shoulder. Maintaining this mobility is key to maintaining overall function.
When the shoulder becomes injured certain motions will often be painful. We then start to avoid these positions because they cause pain. While this is an okay adaptation immediately after the injury take place, if prolonged this will cause the shoulder to take longer to heal.
After an injury occurs we actually want to get the shoulder moving again as quickly as possible. The sooner we restore the range of motion to the shoulder the better the outcomes will be. This means you will likely have less pain and be able to do more if you can get your shoulder moving soon after an injury. So instead of waiting for the pain to just go away you can take an active approach.
When you suffer an injury the first step is to decrease the inflammation and reduce the risk of further injury. After that has been done the next thing we want to do is work on moving the shoulder. It is okay to experience discomfort when moving the shoulder shortly after an injury. This is to be expected and in most cases does not indicate that the shoulder is suffering further injury. You do, however, want to avoid sharp and intense pains.
Initially it is best to restore the passive mobility of the shoulder. Passive mobility is the mobility hat a joint has when the muscles around and controlling the joint are completely relaxed. There are many different ways to work on passive shoulder mobility, but that is outside the scope of this blog. If you want to learn about how you can increase the passive mobility please contact me and I will point you in the right direction.
After passive mobility has been restored then you want to work on active mobility. Active mobility is the amount you can move a joint with the muscles surrounding and controlling the joint. Again there are many different ways to work on active mobility of the shoulder. Contact me if you want to learn about them.
By increasing the active mobility of the shoulder we set ourselves up to restore as much function as possible to the shoulder. When active mobility has been restored to pre-injury levels it usually indicates that the shoulder should be able to be rehabbed to be just as functional as it was before the injury. Once active mobility has been mostly or completely restored the next step is to work on the stability of the arm.
If you want to learn more about shoulder pain please visit www.thepittsburghchiropractor.com/shoulder-pain/ Or contact me at TaubergChiropractic @gmail.com