While I would not call myself a sleep expert, I do like to give my patients tips on how they can improve their sleep. Sleep is an important part of the healing process, making sure you get enough...
If you’ve ever played a competitive or team sport or if you have ever suffered a traumatic injury your likely aware of the RICE or PRICE protocol. PRICE stands for protect, rest, ice, compression,...
Low back pain can be very scary, but it shouldn’t be
When you suffer from low back pain a lot of thoughts can go rushing through your head. You may wonder if you will ever feel better. You might wonder if her back pain will ever go away. You might...
Has Shoulder Pain And A Loss of Shoulder Mobility Caused You To Be Less Independent?
When you have shoulder pain you will commonly react by trying to protect your shoulder from further damage. You might stop using your shoulder as much as you used to as you don’t want to make the...
Is shoulder stability the cause of your shoulder pain?
Do you have shoulder pain that just doesn’t go away? Is it stoping you from living your life to its fullest? I commonly have patients with pain in the front of their shoulder. There are several...
Why we don’t take your insurance
I understand that people can be hesitant when they hear that I don’t take insurance, but it’s actually of benefit to my patients. I don’t take insurance so that I can provide premium care to my...
The Brain and Pain
Just how powerful is the mind? The brain controls the body. It is one of the most complex and powerful structures that we know about in the animal kingdom. When doctors talk about pain coming from...
WHAT IS PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME? The piriformis muscle is one of those muscles that most people don’t know much about, but greatly effects our everyday lives as well as our athletic careers. The...
Rotator cuff injuries are a common sports injury that is prevalent in the Fox Chapel, and greater Pittsburgh areas. The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles in the shoulder. The 4 muscles are the...
Groin injuries are a common occurrence in sports. The most common groin injury is the groin pull. When someone refers to a groin pull they are actually talking about a strain of the groin. Strains...
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