An injury that causes you pain or interferes with your mobility can be stressful and debilitating. After you’ve suffered an injury, you want to do everything reasonably possible to help facilitate your recovery and minimize your down time. Here are some important things to keep in mind when you’re in the process of rehabbing an injury.
Get Plenty of Rest
Pain can make it harder to get comfortable and fall asleep, but getting a good night’s sleep is fundamental to recovery. Getting as much rest as you can is one of the most effective ways how to speed up your recovery time after an injury.
Participate in Rehab
Plenty of rest is a key component of speeding up recovery time, but so is moderate physical activity. Staying immobilized for too long can cause an injury to heal too stiffly, particularly after a surgery. If you fail to move the part of your body that is injured for too long, you may never regain the same range of motion that you had before you sustained the injury. Work with a chiropractor to determine the right level of rehab that can enable you to heal properly and expedite your recovery time. In addition to going to appointments once or twice per week, it’s imperative that you keep up with your prescribed home exercises.
Don’t Wrap an Injury Too Tightly or for a Continuous Period of Time
While moderate compression can support an injury such as a strain or sprain, keeping it tightly wrapped for twenty-four hours a day could impede your circulation and delay proper healing. Be sure to avoid wrapping injuries too tightly and take off wraps when the site will be immobilized while you sleep. To treat an injury to a joint such as a wrist or an elbow, you can use a brace for sleeping. This type of cushioned brace is soft but supportive and specifically designed to keep a joint in a neutral position while you sleep.
Eat Healthy Foods
Give your body the nutrients that it needs to heal by eating protein rich foods and avoiding foods that are high in sugars and starches. Vital nutrients in fruits such as vitamin C and vitamin A can enhance your body’s natural healing abilities while supporting your immune system and helping you avoid an illness that could set you back further on the path to recovery
Take a Supplement to Promote Strength and Healing
In order to heal properly, the site of your injury needs to get good blood flow. The oxygen that is distributed through your circulatory system plays a critical role in repairing damaged bone or tissue. You can optimize your blood flow function by taking a superfood supplement such as red superfood powder. This type of supplement will infuse your blood supply with antioxidants while helping to stabilize nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide can regulate blood flow and help cells regenerate. Ultimately, a supplement will provide you with nutritional intake that would be difficult to achieve even with proper diet alone.
Take Care to Avoid Aggravating Your Injury
You have to move carefully to avoid doing further harm to an injury or aggravating it in a way that could cause a setback or delay your getting back to your old self. Avoid exertions that you know will cause you pain or could be dangerous. Don’t try to resume your old routine too quickly. Ask for help from friends and family when you need it; they’ll be happy to do anything that they can to help out.
Giving your body the right level of rest combined with a comprehensive physical therapy regimen are essential parts of speeding up your recovery after an injury. In addition, you have to give your body the fuel and dietary supplements that will give it the best chance of healing quickly. Any type of injury can be discouraging when it derails you from your regular activities, but doing everything that you can to promote your recovery will give you a positive outlook towards healing.
Auther Bio:
Mikkie Mills is a freelance writer and expert in health and fitness. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym.