What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

Individualized And Dedicated Chiropractic Care For The Greater Pittsburgh And Fox Chapel Areas

At The Pittsburgh Chiropractor we are dedicated to helping you get back to doing the activities that you love to do. We treat you like an individual and we work with you to achieve your specific goals. Dr. Tauberg will work with you on a one on one basis for the duration of your treatment. You are never handed off to anyone else. We understand that when you go to a doctor’s office you want to be treated as an individual and by the doctor. So that is what we do.

When you come to The Pittsburgh Chiropractor the first time Dr. Tauberg will spend around 45 minutes to 1 hour, one on one, with you. During this time you will go over the comprehensive history of your condition, an in depth examination to determine the root of your problem, and then an individualized treatment that is meant to specifically target the cause of your condition. After that first visit we will have you come in for a trial of care to see how you respond to the treatments that are prescribed specifically for you. During the follow up visits of Dr. Tauberg will spend around 20-30 minutes with you. During this time you will have the doctor’s complete attention, so that you can make a full recovery as quickly as possible. If at any time you have any questions, or concerns during treatment you will be able to have them directly answered by the doctor.

Evidence Based Chiropractor

You may or may not be familiar with the term evidence based care. Evidence based care is a model of healthcare that focuses on 3 main factors to determine the best possible treatment. These three factors are the best available research, patient expectations, and clinician expertise. Through these 3 factors treatment decisions can be reached that are supported by research and best help the patient achieve their goals.

By using the best available research to guide your treatment, determining your goals based on what you want out of treatment, and using Dr. Tauberg’s expertise to guide the treatment we are able to provide you with the care that you deserve. Far too often patients are scared into treatment by chiropractors who take unnecessary x-rays or use vague terms such as subluxations to justify expensive and lengthy treatments. At The Pittsburgh Chiropractor we promise not to fool or trick you into receiving treatment. We will work with you to determine if the services we provide are the appropriate treatments for you and we will do our best to get you better as quickly as possible.

Highly Educated

Dr. Alex Tauberg has been certified by The University of Pittsburgh as a Primary Spine Practitioner, he is also a board certified sports chiropractor, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, and an emergency medical responder. All of these titles required extensive post graduate school training.The University of Pittsburgh’s Primary Spine Practitioner certification is considered by many to be a prestigious certification for the conservative care of spine related conditions such as neck and back pain. The University of Pittsburgh’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences is considered the number one school in the nation.

Furthermore, Dr. Tauberg attended National University of Health Sciences a top university for evidence based chiropractic education. Dr. Tauberg excelled during his time at NUHS.

Dr. Tauberg has also taken SFMA, FAKTR, DNS sports A, and DNS sports B courses.